Where does your journey end?
You seek that which① would bestow upon② you the right to rule.
The quest③ to reclaim a homeland and slay④ a dragon.
Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf⑤.
When did we allow evil to become stronger than us?
It is not our fight.
This is our fight.
What if it's a trap?
It's undoubtedly a trap.
Such is the nature of evil.
In time⑥, all foul things⑦ come forth⑧.
If you awaken that beast, you will destroy us all.
Was that an earthquake?
That, my lad⑨ was a dragon.
①THAT WHICH= what(比较正式的说法)=the things that(承接)
- I want that which is good for you = I want what is good for you = I want the things that are good for you
②BESTOW UPON= 1. To confer on(授予)2. To give as a gift(作为天赋的那种赠予,尤其是说到荣誉、尊严或是权力的时候)
③QUEST= 中文意思是“寻求,寻找”,往往是指远征寻找十分重要的东西,远征的途中你一路各种冒险,遭遇各种危险。在寻求的过程中,你也会发现你的个人价值和勇气。在中世纪,寻求“圣杯”最为出名。
④SLAY= 古英语,和kill同义。
⑤DWARF= 在日耳曼神话中,矮人就是指侏儒(大概6岁的孩子那么大的人儿),他们住在深山里整日挖金矿。最有名的矮人一定就是童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》中的七位。《霍比特人》和《指环王》的作者托尔金还使用了他发明的不规则复数“dwarves”(矮人们)。
⑥IN TIME= Eventually; sooner or later; in the end.
⑦FOUL THINGS=不好的事情;令人作呕的肮脏的事
⑧COME FORTH= Appear.
⑨LAD= (英式英语方言) Boy.