The Easter Bunny arrives this Sunday, April 8! Though it's actually a religious holiday, our favorite part of Easter has always been painting Easter eggs (well, and eating Peeps until we throw up).今年的4月8日是复活节!虽然这是个严肃宗教节日,但老实说,最让我们兴奋的部分还是画彩蛋……然后......吃掉它们。
But this year, maybe it's time to get a little more ... interesting with your artwork.但今年,让我们来给这个艺术活增加一些乐趣。
Courtesy of Old Red Jalopy, we present eight movie-inspired Easter eggs that have just a little bit more edge than your standard variety stripes and polka dots. The Easter Bunny won't know what hit him.我们推出了8款电影系列的复活节彩蛋,取代以往古板的画法。嘘,可别告诉鸡蛋们哟!