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电影《小时代》热映 郭敬明讲述青春梦想的故事









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发表于 2016-8-6 08:39:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Never mind its seemingly self-belittling title: Tiny Times is poised to become one of the biggest hits in the country this year, and its makers are going to extremes to make sure it opens with a bang. 虽然名字看起来很不起眼,但《小时代》已经做好准备跻身本年度热映大片的行列,制片方也全都竭尽全力保证首映大卖。
        It’s slated to take up more than 40 percent of the total screenings in the country on its opening day – quite a feat in itself, given the presence of the recently-released Man of Steel and the Jet Li-starring Badges of Fury.在最近《钢铁侠》和李连杰主演电影《不二神探》同期上映的情况下,《小时代》全国首映当天就占据了40%的排片量,可谓战绩显著。
        Guo Jingming, who has adapted his own novel from 2008 -- also titled Tiny Time, said Tiny Times allows his viewers to dream about the future.本片改编自郭敬明2008年的同名小说《小时代》,他说这部电影让观众为了梦想努力拼搏。
        “For example, look at Lin Shao,” he said, referring to the film’s protagonist played by A-lister Mini Yang Mi. “She began the story as an ordinary university student, and then she had to face all these things like job interviews and then intimidating bosses in the workplace. But she manages to pull through and her life gets better and better -- she’s got a great career, great friends and a handsome boyfriend. This is every girl’s dream life.”郭敬明说:“以林萧为例,刚开始她只是个普通大学生,她需要面对所有的事情:各种面试,还有职场吓人的老板。但她努力坚持让生活越来越好,后来她事业成功,身边有密友相伴,还结交到帅气的男友,每个女孩的理想生活都如此。” 电影中这个角色由中国著名演员杨幂扮演。
        Guo said he’s very aware of how his emphasis in the individualistic pursuits for gratification casts the film apart from the nostalgia-tinged dramas from directors from previous generations. Tiny Times sells imaginings of lives yet to be lived.郭敬明说他导演这部影片时,非常注重强调个人追求,这和前几代导演充满怀旧情结的老电影有很大不同。《小时代》的看点在于,它在构建出理想生活的同时让人仍然感到实际生活的气息。

        “We are very different from people born in the 1960s or 70s -- they were people who dressed the same and ate the same food in the same cafeteria, living the same kind of life,” he said.他说:“我们和60后70后不同,他们当时穿千篇一律的衣服,在千篇一律的食堂里吃千篇一律的饭菜,过着千篇一律的生活。”
        “But for people born in the 1980s, or even more so for those from the 1990s, it’s about trying to be different from everybody else. Whereas doing that in the past would see you branded as an anomaly, these days it’s all about looking after myself -- saying, 'I want to enjoy life the way I like it.'”“但对于80后甚至90后来说,我们追求的是特立独行。过去这样做的都是异类,可如今却是追求自我的表现,就是‘我只想要我喜欢的生活’。”
        The success of homegrown dramas also signals how Chinese audiences have reconsidered what they want in their cinemas, Guo added. “They are not just looking for effects-driven, epic-looking Hollywood blockbusters or simple romantic comedies,” he said.郭敬明还说,多部国产剧的成功也标志中国观众对中国电影的反思。“中国观众不再局限于充满特技效果、史诗般华丽的好莱坞大片或是简单的爱情喜剧。”
        “We need to find something new so that we can get them excited – and what’s been lacking are stories addressing how particular generations of people became who they are. So you have to have stories which can resonate with them, something they can call their own.”“我们需要新鲜血液,变得富有活力;在记叙某一代人生活历程时,最缺的就是这种新鲜感。所以你的故事里必须要有和观众产生共鸣的部分,必须让他们感到讲的是他们自己的故事。”
        With a sequel planned for release in December and two volumes of his Tiny Times novels yet to be adapted, Guo would certainly hope for an unyielding explosion of the obsession.《小时代》电影续集将于今年12月发布,郭敬明还要将两卷《小时代》小说改编成电影。无疑,他期望这个系列能带来更大轰动。

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