圣诞老人诺斯(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 配音)、复活节兔子(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 配音)、牙仙(艾拉·菲舍尔 Isla Fisher 配音)和沙人,这些童年的守护者个个长生不老、力量强大又动作敏捷,他们的任务就是尽其所能保护所有孩子的天真与想象力,但一个心怀不轨的坏蛋出现了,他打算抢夺孩子们的希望和梦想来抹去守护者的存在。此时这群深受喜爱的英雄需要杰克冻人(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 配音)助其一臂之力,但这位新加入的守护者却只喜欢玩雪,对拯救世界毫不关心。从北极最深的隐蔽处、上海的屋顶到新英格兰的迷你小镇,守护者在世界各个角落进行一场规模浩大的战争以对抗邪恶又擅于蛊惑人心的的食虫人(裘德·洛 Jude Law 配音)。他的阴谋是到处散布恐惧来征服全世界,而唯一能够阻止他的就是相信的力量,以及守护者拥有的神奇魔力。选段中,因为食虫人的破坏,他拿走了牙仙收集的所有牙齿,并且绑架了所有的小牙仙,想让孩子们对守护者牙仙失去信心,不再相信他们的存在,但是有了其他守护者的帮忙,牙齿危机算是平息了。现在他们来到最后一个孩子的房间,看着他……
Tooth:Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident. I wonder how that could've happened, Jack.
Jack:Kids, huh?
Tooth:This was always the part I liked most. Seeing the kids. Why did I ever stop doing this?
Jack:It's a little different up close, huh?
Tooth:Thanks for being here, Jack. I wish I'd known about your memory. I could have helped you.
Jack:Yeah, well... Look, Iet's just get you taken care of. Then it's Pitch's turn.
North:Here you are! What gives, slowpokes? How you feeling, Toothy?
Tooth:Believed in.
North:That's what I want to hear.
Buuny:I see how it is. All working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place. You think I need help to beat a bunny?
Jack:Check it out, Peter Cottontail.
Buuny:You call that a bag of chopper? Now that's a bag of choppers.
North:Gentlemen, gentlemen. This is about Tooth. It's not a competition. But if it was, I win! Oh, no.
Jamie:Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? Sandman? The Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!
Tooth:Surprise! We came.
Jack:He can see us?
Bunny:Most of us.
Tooth:You guys, he's still awake.
Bunny:Sandy, knock him out. With the Dreamsand, you gumbies!
No, stop! That's the Easter Bunny! What are you doing, Abbey? Down!
Bunny:All right, nobody panic.
Jack:But that's a greyhound. Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?
Bunny:I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me. Six-foot-one, nerves of steel. Master of tai-chi and the ancient art of... Crikey!
North:Stop! Sit! Down, girl, down!
Bunny:She's rabid! Get this dingo off me! Oh, no.
(Tooth fell asleep.)
North:Candy cane...(North fell asleep.)
(Bunny fell asleep.)
Jack:I really wish I had a camera right now. Sandy, come on! We can find Pitch!