1850年,南太平洋,美国公证人亚当·尤因(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)在船上被不明寄生虫病折磨,他用日记记录下自己所见所闻;1931年,苏格兰,落魄青年罗伯特·弗罗比舍(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)为音乐大师记录曲谱,受到半本旅行日记的启发创作出了恢宏壮阔的《云图六重奏》;1975年,美国加州,小报记者路易莎·雷(哈莉·贝瑞 Halle Berry 饰)冒着生命危险调查一桩核电站丑闻,在老唱片店她被一首不知名的乐章打动……选段中,Adam终于回来了,他和妻子准备告别他们富裕的生活,与废奴主义者共事,由此来表达对救了他一命的黑人的感激……
Tilda's Father:Adam! Good god. I have just been recounting your astonishing adventure. Please, join us. Get him a chair.
Adam:Ah. No, no. Thank you, I...I cannot stay.
Tilda's Father:What are you doing here? I thought the doctor said at least three weeks in bed?
Adam:He did, but this... couldn't wait. I need to speak with you, sir. Privately.
Tilda's Father:Of course. Excuse me. Is that the contract from Reverend Horrox?
Adam:It is indeed.
Tilda's Father:Well, you know, I could have sent a boy.
(Adam threw the contract into the fire.)
Tilda's Father:Are you insane?!
Adam:I owe my life to a self-freed slave. And I cannot, in good conscience, participate in this kind of business any longer.
Boy:This would make such a good book.
Luisa:I'll drink to that.
Timothy:Outside, fat snowflakes are falling on slate roofs and granite walls. Like Solzhenitsyn laboring in Vermont, I shall beaver away in exile. Unlike Solzhenitsyn, I shan't be alone.
Tilda's Father:Goddamn you, sir. If you were not my daughter's husband...
Tilda:Hello, father.
Tilda's Father:Tilda? What's going on?
Tilda:I've come to say goodbye.
Tilda's Father:Goodbye? Where are you going?
Adam:We're moving back East, to work with the abolitionists.
Tilda's Father:What? That poison has rotted your brain.
Adam:Well, if it has, I highly recommend it. I've not felt this good in years.
Tilda's Father:Tilda, I forbid you from going anywhere with this madman.
Tilda:I've been afraid of you my whole life, father. I'm going with my husband.
Tilda's Father:Adam. Listen to me. For the sake of my grandson, if not your own. There is a natural order to this world. And those who try to upend it, do not fare well. This movement will never survive. If you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. At best, you'll exist as pariah, to be spat on and beaten. And the worst, lynched or crucified. And for what? For what? No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.
Adam:But what is an ocean... but a multitude of drops?