1850年,南太平洋,美国公证人亚当·尤因(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)在船上被不明寄生虫病折磨,他用日记记录下自己所见所闻;1931年,苏格兰,落魄青年罗伯特·弗罗比舍(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)为音乐大师记录曲谱,受到半本旅行日记的启发创作出了恢宏壮阔的《云图六重奏》;1975年,美国加州,小报记者路易莎·雷(哈莉·贝瑞 Halle Berry 饰)冒着生命危险调查一桩核电站丑闻,在老唱片店她被一首不知名的乐章打动……选段中,电影中的两个主角Luisa和Rufus在电梯里相遇了……
A Guy:Luisa, wa-wait, c'mon, c'mon, I'm telling you, I'm telling ya baby, you can't leave me. It's a...you know, it's a past life thing or a future life thing, but ya know, it's you and me...
Luisa:Look. For the last hour, all I could think about was throwing you off your balcony.
A Guy:I mean, who the hell do you think you are? You write a bullshit column for a fuckin' rag.
Luisa:Elevator! Thank you. Nice to know the age of chivalry isn't dead.
(Elevator stopped.)
Luisa:You okay?
Rufus:No bones broken, I think.
Luisa:Wait, wait. No, no. You sit... you sit, you sit. Let me see. Great. Power outage. Perfect end to a perfect day.
Rufus:Still glad the age of chivalry isn't dead?
Luisa:I still rather be right here than back up there.
Rufus:Guess Mr. Ganga isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Luisa:Guys like that are just an occupational hazard.
Rufus:You were interviewing him?
Luisa:Yeah, for Spyglass Magazine. Luisa Rey.
Rufus:Rufus Sixsmith. Rey... You wouldn't happen to be related to the journalist, Lester Rey?
Luisa:Yeah. He was my father.
Rufus:Really? He must have been enormously proud of you, following in his footsteps.
Rufus:That's her, my niece, Megan.
Luisa:She's lovely.
Rufus:Born physicist, with a better mind for mathematics than I ever had. Did her PhD at cambridge, a woman at Caius. Gives you hope for the world.
Luisa:It's hot. And we're still here.
Rufus:That's a very peculiar birthmark.
Luisa:Yeah, my little comet. My mother swore it was cancer. She wanted me to get it removed, but I don't know, I kinda like it.
Rufus:I knew someone who had a birthmark that was similar to that.
Luisa:Really? Who was it?
Rufus:Someone I cared about very much. A, uh... A hypothetical question for you, Miss Rey. As a journalist, what price would you pay to protect a source?
Luisa:If it came to that... yes.
Rufus:Would you be prepared to compromise your safety?
Luisa:My father braved booby-trapped marshes and the wrath of generals for his journalistic integrity. What kind of daughter would I be if I bailed when things got a little tough?
Rufus:Taxi! You sure you don't need a cab?
Luisa:No, I've got my car. Well, you know, if... there's ever something I can do for you, please give me a call.
Rufus:Thank you, I will.