Movie-goers in the Chinese mainland will be able to catch the new Batman and Spider-Man movies at the same time later this month.
"The Dark Knight Rises", the conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, will open on the mainland on August 27, announced its local distributor, the China Film Group. "The Amazing Spider-Man", a reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, will open the same day. "The Dark Knight Rises" will be screened in regular 2-D and IMAX 2-D, while "The Amazing Spider-Man" will appear in 3-D and IMAX 3-D.
The two films are the major imported blockbusters to hit mainland cinemas this summer where local films have been dominating since late June. "The Dark Knight Rises" has done well in North America, topping the box office chart there for the third consecutive week. "The Amazing Spider-Man" ranked eighth at the box office during the past weekend.
沪江娱乐快讯:根据全国院线最新的排片,两大超级英雄《超凡蜘蛛侠》和《黑暗骑士崛起》将在8月27日同一天上档,对于国内的影迷来说,这无疑是整个暑期档最劲爆的消息。据悉,两部影片同时都有IMAX版本公映,全国本来就有限的IMAX银幕也开始出现“毕打自己人”的情况,相比之下《超凡蜘蛛侠》100多分钟的时长更适合影院的速递消费,因此在排片上占有很大优势。两强相遇,最兴奋的还是影迷,直呼:“这是比‘变3’、‘盗梦’、‘哈7下’还要给力的暑期档!” |