Diana(left) and Watts(right)
Naomi Watts channels Princess Diana while shooting scenes for her upcoming film Caught in Flight on Monday (July 2) in Croatia.
“It is such an honor to be able to play this iconic role – Princess Diana was loved across the world and I look forward to rising to the challenge of playing her on screen,” the 43-year-old actress previously said of playing the late royal.
Caught in Flight centers on Di‘s secret affair with heart surgeon Dr. Hasnat Kahn.
DO YOU THINK Naomi Watts looks like Princess Diana?
沪江娱乐快讯:讲述戴安娜王妃生命最后两年时光的影片《Caught in Flight》正在如火如荼拍摄中,日前剧组首次发布了澳籍女星纳奥米·沃兹所扮演的戴妃的剧照,在片场忙碌的纳奥米一身裙装,再加上一头金色卷发,举手抬足间颇有戴妃神韵。
《Caught in Flight》是关于戴安娜王妃的第一部大银幕影片,故事讲述了戴妃和心脏外科医生哈斯纳特·汗的一段秘密情事,以及她和查尔斯王子的婚变。
纳奥米·沃兹出生在英国、长在澳大利亚,曾因主演影片《21克》而获奥斯卡最佳女演员提名,并凭借《穆荷兰道》红遍全球。43岁的她在接受采访时称,“戴安娜王妃是全世界都热爱的、标志性的人物。这次能在新片中还原戴妃生命中最后两年时光,我感到很荣幸很期待!” |