It may be Edward Cullen's 111th birthday today, but Twilight fans are the ones receiving quite the gift.
On the heels of the 10-second teaser that was released yesterday comes the brand-new trailer for the highly anticipated (an understatement, we know) Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Unlike the last installment of the wildly popular Twilight Saga franchise, Part 2 really seems hell-bent on ramping up the action.
And how can it not?
After all, you've got the Volturi, who are anything but happy after learning that Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) have a newborn daughter they think is an immortal child.
Naturally, this eventually leads to quite the climactic showdown, with the Cullens reaching out to some additional vampires for assistance.
Of course, right there in the thick of it is Bella, who's determined to use her newly acquired undead skills (and motherly instincts) to keep her daughter Renesmee out of harm's way.
"I'll never let anybody hurt you," Bella tells her offspring at one point.
We're guessing she's going to make good on that promise.
在放出10秒片段后,广受期待的《暮光之城:破晓(下)》( Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2)最新完整版预告已于今日发布。
沃尔图里( Volturi)家族发现了爱德华和贝拉的女儿,并将其视作不朽的婴儿吸血鬼,于是前来追杀。
决斗到来之时,库伦(Cullens )家族去向其余吸血鬼寻求帮助。
在这生死攸关的时刻,刚刚变身吸血鬼不久的贝拉在母性的驱使下将使用自己新获得的不死技能保护女儿蕾妮斯梅( Renesmee)。
《暮光之城:破晓(下)》将于11月16日上映。 |