《四眼天鸡》又名《鸡仔总动员》,由美国导演马克-丁达尔(Mark Dindal)执导。它是迪士尼在脱离皮克斯之后,自行推出的首部3D动画长片,其制作水准与艺术风格受到了众多圈内外人士的关注。
一个名叫玛德的鸡仔个子小、胆子小,被称为“鸡小小”。他还戴着一副滑稽可笑的大眼镜。He is a laughing stock in others' minds. 鸡小小受够了嘲笑与讥讽,一心想要证明自己……
1. -It's not dangerous! 情况没那么危险!
-We are under attack! 我们被袭击了!
-Will you two stop messing around and deal with the problem? 你们俩别闹了,一起解决问题好不好?
-You're never there for me! 你从来没站在我这边过!
[点津] under attack意为“受到攻击”;mess around意为“漫无目的地闲逛”。you're never there for me和you never stand by my side含义相同哦。
2. Hey! Watch your mouth. 嘿!说话注意点/嘴巴放干净点。
[点评] 这句话短小精悍,当有人对你出言不逊时,你大可用这句话回击!
3. Well, other than the penny, this whole evening was a wash. 要不是捡到这分钱,整个晚上都泡汤了。
[点津] wash在口语中有“不赔不赚”的意思。
例:The company doesn't do badly. That is, it's a wash. 这家公司的经营状况还不差,也就是说,它既不赔也不赚。
4. -Just do me one favor, son. 儿子,帮我个忙好吗?
-Why, sure, Dad. Anything. 什么啊?当然了,爸爸,非常乐意!
-Just please try not to get your hopes too high. 请不要好高骛远。
[点津] anything意为“做任何事都行”,常用在口语中表示非常乐意效劳。get one's hopes too high意为“好高骛远”。
例:If you don't get your hopes too high, you won't feel too disappointed. 如果你没有好高骛远,你将不会如此失望。
5. Bits of emotion (are) flying everywhere! Anger! Frustration! Denial! Fear! Deep depression, in fact! 所有的情绪都得以释放,愤怒、挫折、否定、恐惧,事实上是忧郁!
[友情链接] 还有一部关于鸡仔的动画片也很值得观看哦,那就是《小鸡快跑》(Chicken Run)。片中笑料不断,逗死人!快去看看吧! |