Bully1: Hey! Stupid.
Jenny: Quit it! Run, Forrest! Run!
Bully1: Hey !Did you hear me, stupid?
Bully2: Get in the truck. Move it. C’mon, he’s getting away.
Jenny: Run, Forrest! Run!
Forrest: Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was going. I never thought it would take me anywhere.
Football Coach: Who in the hell is that?
Assistant Coach: That there is Forrest Gump, coach. Just the local idiot.
Forrest: Can you believe it? I got to go to college too.
Football Player: Run! Move it!
Forrest: OK!
Coach: He must be the stupidest son-of-a-bitch alive, but he sure is fast.
Forrest: Now, maybe it’s just me. But college was a very confusing times.
News man: Federal troops enforcing a court order integrated the University of Alabama today. Two negroes were admitted but only after governor George Wallace had carried out his symbolic threat to stand in the schoolhouse door.
Gump: Eart! What’s going on?
Student: Coons are trying to get into school.
Gump: Coons? When raccoons try to get on our back porch, mama just chases’em off with a broom.
Student: Not raccoons, you idiot, niggers. And they want to go to school with us.
Gump: With us? They do?
News man: Shortly after governor Wallace had carried out his promise to block the door way, president Kennedy ordered the Secretary of Defense then to use military force. Here, by video tape is the encounter by General Gram, Commander of the National Guard and governor Wallace... And so it is that the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone had been signed up for summer classes.
Gump: Ma’am, you dropped your book, Ma’am.
News man: Governor Wallace did what he promised to do by being on the Toscaloosa campus...
Coach 1: Hey, wasn’t that Gump?
Coach 2: No, that couldn’t be.
Coach 3: Sure as hell was.
Forrest: A few years later, that angry little man at the schoolhouse door thought it’d be a good idea and ran for President. But somebody thought that it wasn’t. But he didn’t die.
Lady: My bus is here.
Move it: 快点。
son of a bitch: 狗崽子(粗口)
Who in the hell is that ?
在美式口语中,hell是一个绝对的高频词,一般用来表示诅咒、惊讶、不耐烦等口气,还可以用来表达强调的语感,这是大家在今后的交际中会经常用到的一种方式。类似的用法如“the hell”、“in hell”,更为人常见。
1. What the hell are you doing here?
2. what in hell did you say to her?
3. A/one hell of 表示强调:极好的\极糟的
He is a hell of a good soldier.
What a hell of nice photo!
4. go to hell(粗)去你的,见鬼去吧
If you don’t like the color, you can go to hell!
5. feel/look like hell(感觉/气色)很差
After the operation, I looked like hell for a long time.
6. what the hell 表示破釜沉舟的决心时使用
What the hell! We only live once and life goes on.
7. as hell表示强调,非常
Look at the girl there, she is pretty/cute/ugly as hell.
I’m sure as hell not gonna do that.
8. Hell! I don’t know! 见鬼!我不知道!
*Now, it used to be,I ran to get where I was going . I never thought it would take me anywhere.
这句话一语双关,anywhere 一词的妙用,即代表任意一个地方,说明阿甘并不善于思考,他正是先本能地采取行动,到达目的地后才确认行为的意义,这是阿甘惯有的行为方式,同时也代表着阿甘生命中与奇迹的不期而遇。小时侯,阿甘为了避开别人欺负,摆脱了支架的束缚,如风般飞奔。年复一年,看似平凡的奔跑,却意外地将阿甘带入了大学,带入了全美明星队,带入了白宫,当然也带他逃离了死神的魔掌,成为一个越战英雄,将他引向了成功。从某种程度上来说,奔跑揭开了阿甘传奇一生的序幕,也为阿甘一生的传奇更增添了生命无常的隽永滋味。
*Now, maybe it’s just me, but college was a very confusing time.
对于阿甘来讲,大学时代是一个“非常困惑的时代”,因为此时的美国已进入六十年代的民运高潮,黑人争取民主权利、妇女争取解放等运动如火如荼。阿甘以一个旁观者的身份目睹这一切的发生,似乎自己习以为常的生活状态发生了匪夷所思的变化。本段不惜笔墨描述的是1962 年轰动全美的一件事情:顽固实行种族隔离政策的阿拉巴玛州终于在联邦政府的干预下被迫打破教育壁垒,允许两名黑人学生和白人一起接受同等教育。美国人由此更加坚信,人们必须“fight for liberty”(努力争取自由),才能够“stand up for rights”(得到真正的权利)。 |