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《哈利•波特》最励志配角 囧娃也能变帅锅!









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发表于 2016-8-6 08:31:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A lot of the media attention surrounding this movie is the fact that you and Neville grew up to be not so nerdy.很多媒体都会关注在这部电影中的纳威长大了,还变帅气不再是以前那个傻傻的孩子了。
        What do you make of all that?你是怎么做到的?
        I'm struggling with it, to be honest. Yeah, it's, I don't know what to make of it. It's very overwhelming. 说实话,我一直都很努力的想让自己变帅。但是具体是怎么变帅的我也不太清楚。事情就这样发生了。
        Have you asked any of any of your co-stars for tips on how to deal with the attention or the paparazzi?你有没有问问和你一起工作的其他人,怎样处理媒体的关注和狗仔队呢?
        No—actually the paparazzi don't follow me around. You know, they don't. I'm very fortunate that I almost get to live the best of both worlds. I have this amazing time doing "Harry Potter" and traveling the world and stuff, and then I go back to my home city of Leeds and I have the same friends as before, I can go to the soccer and I can go to the pub and I'm left alone, you see. .没有...其实一般狗仔队是不会来拍我的。所以我很幸运,明星和普通人的两种生活我都拥有。我拍《哈利波特》,跟着剧组到处跑,拍完之后我就回家,我以前的朋友还是我的朋友,想踢球的时候就去踢球,想去酒吧就去酒吧,没有人会注意到我。
        But yeah, Dan [Radcliffe, Harry Potter], Dan's been, Dan's someone I'll always look up to because he's someone who's had this level of fame since he was 11 years old, you know, almost had it a bazillion more times than I've had in the last week, and yet, he remains very firmly on the ground. And he hasn't changed a moment since the day I met him. He's inspiring.但是当然丹尼尔(哈利·波特扮演者)就不是这样了。我一直都挺佩服丹尼尔的,因为他从11岁开始名气就非常大了,经常通告会排的满满的,跟我完全不是一个水平,但是他仍然很坚定。在这种巨大名气笼罩下长大的他居然一点都没有变,和我第一次认识的丹尼尔一模一样。
        How about you? What's next?有没有想过接下来要做什么?
        I've got a few meetings and stuff in London when I get back. And there's a couple of scripts I'm reading, but yeah, I don't know, it's just, I just want to act, really. I want to stay in the industry. Probably something a bit more low-key, I think. We'll see. You know, I haven't had time to process everything yet!这次回伦敦的时候有开了几个会。现在有几个剧本我正在看,但是我还不知道...不过应该...应该会继续演戏,我很喜欢表演,真的很喜欢。我还想继续在这个圈子里混。可能我以后接的戏相对于《哈利·波特》这个系列来说会低调很多,不过我们到时候再看吧,现在我还没有时间做出一个完整的计划。
        Were you sad that Neville wasn't mentioned in the epilogue? Would you have liked to see him age?在电影尾声的时候没有没有纳威的出现,你会不会有点伤心?你想不想看到自己成长的经历呢?
        No, no. You know, I don't like seeing myself young, and I don't want to see myself old, I'm just happy where I am now. Actually, it would have been very strange for me to see myself as an old man. I don't want to rush that kind of thing. But, you know, it was a shame he wasn't mentioned in the final cut, but I think most people know what he's up to. He's Herbology professor. I think most people know that.不会,完全不会伤心。那个...其实我不太想看到自己小时候的样子,也不想看到自己变老,我很满意现在的状态。其实如果要我看看自己老了什么样我会觉得很奇怪。我觉得事情还是慢慢来的好。不过在最后大结局的时候纳威完全没出现的确还蛮丢脸的,但是我相信很多人也知道纳威最后去做什么了。他长大后变成了草药学教授,我想大部分人应该知道他的结局。

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