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It looks like the long-awaited for "24" movie is getting a little closer to reality."Jack Bauer"迷们期待已久的《反恐24小时》电影版终于要变成现实了!
Kiefer Sutherland, who starred as Jack Bauer on the fan favorite Fox series, told the ladies of "The View" last month that the show would get the cinematic treatment next year, and now producer Brian Grazer has backed him up.在这部福克斯热门美剧中扮演不死神话Jack Bauer的主演Kiefer Sutherland上月在访谈中就透露,该剧的电影版将在明年上映。现在,制片人也来发话啦,果真如此!
“Got off the phone Keifer yesterday and we are very excited about producing the ‘24' movie for next year,” Grazer tweeted on April 5.电影制片人Grazer4月5日在Tweeter上写道:“和基弗·萨瑟兰打完电话。《24小时》电影版要开始制作了,并于2012年上映。我们很激动。””
That tidbit is encouraging, since talk of a “24” movie has been hanging around even before the show ended last year, but the project seemed to hit snafus.这则消息非常振奋人心,之前关于《反恐24小时》电影版的传闻不绝于耳,甚至去年电视终结季结束前就有关于拍摄电影版的计划,但都迟迟未能实现。
Last December, news came that the script had run into trouble over at 20th Century Fox, and EW reported in March that while Sutherland name-dropped Tony Scott as the director/producer the studio was working with, there still didn't seem to be a director attached to the project, which also didn't have a start date.去年12月,有消息说由于20世纪福克斯否决了剧本而导致电影版计划搁浅,今年3月,有报道称影片的导演人选也迟迟未能决定。还好现在一切准备就绪,Jack Bauer回归指日可待! |