Vanessa Hudgens wowed in a flowing white dress at the premiere of their new film last night but failed to join in the fun when her Sucker Punch co-stars broke out into a little impromptu dance. 昨天,《歌舞青春》系列电影的主演瓦妮莎·哈金斯一袭飘逸白色及地长裙出席了新片《美少女特工队》的首映式,不过却没有参加电影的其它几位主演一起表演的红毯即兴舞蹈。
The actress watched on nervously along with Abbie Cornish when Emily Browning, Jamie Chung and Jena Malone decided to entertained waiting fans by bopping around on the red carpet as they giggled like schoolgirls. 现场,几位主演像普通高中生一样嬉笑,当Emily Browning, Jamie Chung和Jena Malone打算在红地毯上即兴舞蹈以取悦到场的粉丝时,瓦妮莎·哈金斯和Abbie Cornish却显得非常紧张。
Perhaps Hudgens was worried about treading on her floor-length Alberta Ferretti white dress. 瓦妮莎大概是怕踩到她穿的那条Alberta Ferretti白色长裙吧。
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Cornish also chose a long sheer brown dress by the same designer which she accessorised with £175,000 worth of Cartier jewellery. Abbie Cornish也穿了条来自于同一个设计师、轻薄的褐色长裙,同时还佩戴了价值17.5万英镑的卡地亚珠宝。
Emily Browning, who plays the lead character Babydoll, wore a 1920s style navy blue Azzaro dress. Her boyfriend Max Irons also turned up to support her and the couple were later spotted leaving the after-party hand-in-hand. 影片中的头号主演Emily Browning穿着的是一条20年代海军蓝的Azzaro礼服。他的男友也来到现场支持她,这对小情侣随后被看到手牵着手离开了庆祝派对。
Jamie Chung looked gorgeous in hot pink Dolce & Gabbana dress while Carla Cugino chose a bright blue Oscar de la Renta gown. Jena Malone wore a printed Juan Carlos Obando dress which featured cut outs. Jamie Chung选择了一套粉红色D&G礼服,看起来美极了!Carla Cugino则穿了一条天蓝色的短裙,Jena Malone选择的是一条Juan Carlos Obando油印质感的裙子。
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High School Musical Star Hudgens said loved filming the action scenes. 出演了《歌舞青春》系列电影的瓦妮莎·哈金斯称,她十分享受电影中武打场面的拍摄过程。
'It was amazing. It was so much fun. Definitely one of the most exhilarating things I've done.'“棒极了,好玩极了。绝对是我做过的最兴奋的事情之一。”
Browning also raved about working with her co-stars and said they would take a break from the intensive workouts and hang out. Emily Browning也对合作的演员赞不绝口,并表示拍戏很忙很累时她们常会休息一下,一起出去走走。
'Wednesday nights we would all go out and eat cakes together, or just have a cheat night and get together.' “星期三的晚上我们都会出去,一起吃点蛋糕,或者就在一起度过漫漫长夜。”
'But we were hanging out all the time and we would have sing-a-longs. It was lots of fun.'“我们经常一起出去玩,还会唱歌什么的。非常快乐。” |