Arnold Schwarzenegger has just barely left the Governor's office, and is already talking about returning to film. The actor told Austrian publication Krone.at (via TheArnoldFans.com) that he is currently looking at three scripts. Here's what Arnold Schwarzenegger had to say:
"Currently I'm reading three scripts. One topic/script, which I considered a long time ago before governor, is delighting me particularly. In it I would play an older soldier, who gets the order at the ending of the war to kill a bunch of kids. But he doesn't do it and get them to safety at the risk of his life and it has all kind of adventure. This script is based on a true story!"
"In the future I have to adapt my roles to my age. Clint Eastwood also has done it in the same way.
Extreme fighting or shooting is not possible anymore. I want to be more encouraged as an actor and I believe that I can manage this challenge. I am like a sponge, which is absorbing all the knowledge and always be willing to learn all new things."
另 外,阿诺还表示想要转型的愿望,并将老牛在克林特-伊斯特伍德视为个人的楷模,他说:”打打杀杀的戏已经不适合现在的我了,我希望自己可以尝试更多不同的 角色,像一块海绵一样,不断的接受和学习新的事物。“有消息称,在施瓦辛格任职期间,他所推掉的片约薪酬共计超过了2亿美元。
他说:“其中,有一个剧本是我在当州长之间便已经很有兴趣了的,主人公是一个老兵,在战争即将结束之时受命去取几个孩子的性命,他不愿干丧尽天良之 事,于是便经历了出生入死的冒险,这可是真人真事。“施瓦辛格所说的这部电影名为《如鹰展翅》,剧本由《勇敢的心》的编剧兰道尔-华莱士所创作。 |