- Nice work, boys. That was a close one. Too close. The little tramp! Oh, she's better than I thought. At this rate, he'll be kissing her by sunset for sure. Well, it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles! Triton's daughter will be mine - and then I'll make him writhe. I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook!
- Eric, if I may say, far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes.
1. That was a close one 差点就成了!
That was a close one这句可以表示很多语气,剧中是惋惜地说,差点王子就会吻Ariel了呢,还可以用在这样的语境中:
- Watch out!The car is coming!当心,车!
- Wow!That was a close one! 哇啊啊,好险!(表示差点就被车撞了)
2. she's better than I thought. 她果然有两把刷子呢
3. it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles
Ursula是女巫的名字,take matters into one's own hands是固定词组,表示“凭自己的力量解决事情”,女巫是只八爪鱼,没有手,只有tentacles,触手,所以她才这么说。
4. far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh and blood
of flesh and blood,表示活生生的,现实的,有血有肉的,dream girl就是梦中情人,是不真实的,这话说出来感觉好像那句:满目山河空望远,不如怜取眼前人。 |