Zhang Yimou's new film Thirteen Girls in Jinling City, which has been in production for 4 years, features Leonardo DiCaprio as the star, the West China City Daily reported. It's reported that Zhang Yimou and the producer Zhang Weiping choose DiCaprio because he is very popular in China now. The film is adapted from the celebrated writer Yan Geling's novel of the same name, about the experiences of a group of prostitutes during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre.
早在筹备期,张伟平就宣称张艺谋新片《金陵十三钗》将与好莱坞一线男明星合作,而此人则将担任片中最重要的角色——英格曼神父。自此后,谁出演这个神父,坊间流有众多传闻。此前有传言称汤姆·克鲁斯,但却被张伟平明确否认,称其不属于好莱坞一线明星。昨日,华西都市报记者从知情人处了解到,张艺谋新片的男主角锁定凭借《盗梦空间》再度在中国走红的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,如果消息属实,他将是第一位在国产大片担任主角的当红好莱坞巨星。 |