【剧情简介】 老爹以为女儿坠入情网是爱上了另外一个merman - 人鱼帅哥,还喜滋滋地找老螃蟹来问话,谁知道吓得要死的老螃蟹说漏嘴,把Ariel爱上人类的秘密说了出来,这下Sea King发飙了……
- Sebastian, I've been looking all over for you. I've got an urgent message from the sea king.
- The sea king?
- He wants to see you right away. Something about Ariel.
- He knows.
- Yes, Your Majesty?
- Yes, Sebastian. I'm concerned about Ariel. Have you noticed she's been acting peculiar lately?
- Oh! Uh, peculiar?
- You know, mooning about. Daydreaming, singing to herself. You haven't noticed, hmm?
- Oh, well, I--
- Sebastian?
- Hmm?
- I know you've been keeping something from me.
- Keeping something?
- About Ariel?
- Ariel?
- In love, hmm?
- I tried to stop her, sir! She wouldn't listen! I told her to stay away from humans! They are bad! They are trouble!
- Humans? What about humans?
- Humans? Who said anything about humans?
1. I've been looking all over for you. 我正上上下下到处找你呢
all over这里表示everywhere
2. I'm concerned about Ariel. 我担心Ariel
be concerned about sb. 也就是be worried about sb.,只不过用语更加高级那么一点~Sea King的语言还是比较正式的,平时咱说腻了worry about,换个concern about的说法也不错~
3. moon about 闲逛,晃悠,无所事事,神游八方
4. You've been keeping sth. from me. 你有什么事没告诉我
keep sth. from sb. 对某人隐瞒某事,很简单却很实用的一个词组,也可以说keep secrets from sb. |