蹩脚口语:Say something I understand
地道口语:speak English
亚当和司机大佬在路边午饭,他照旧滔滔不绝地说着太空啦宇宙啦黑洞啦种种晦涩难懂的东东, 司机抓狂了,说你就不能说点能让人听得明白的么?
- But their sensor systems have detected an error in analyzing space radiation.
- Adam, I'm having lunch. Speak English.
- I'm sorry.
- You see, the Star Tracker system is-
- No. No more background radiation black holes or Mars robots. Lunchtime is for guy talk. Two guys talking about women, the weather and such. You got it?
- But the Star Tracker system-
- No.
除《阿凡达》外2010年要去电影院看的 电影