"Avatar: Special Edition," which includes an additional eight minutes of unseen footage, will be released in U.S. theaters on Aug. 27, marking the big-screen return of the top moneymaker in Hollywood history.
The film will only be screened in Digital 3D or Imax 3D. Director and writer James Cameron said the expanded-edition revival of the film is a response to fan demand for another big-screen return to the jungle moon of Pandora.
"Audiences repeatedly told me they wanted more of Pandora and wished they could have stayed there longer," Cameron said in a statement. "So we're making that possible." He said the additional footage includes "new creatures and action scenes."
据国外媒体报道,影史最卖座影片《阿凡达》(Avatar)即将在全球范围内于8月27日开始重新放映,影片将包含8分钟从未公布过的新内容,并只登陆3D和3D IMAX银幕。导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆称此举是为了响应那些对潘多拉意犹未尽的观众的需求。
“不停有热心观众告诉我,他们想看到潘多拉星球更多的场景、想在那里多呆一段时间,所以我们决定实现大家的愿望。”卡梅隆在新闻发布会上说。据悉,这部名为《阿凡达:特别版》(Avatar: Special Edition)的影片将只会在数字3D和IMAX 3D银幕上上映。
这部福斯影业斥资2.3亿美元(纯制作成本)打造的巨作从去年12月18日在全球公映以来,迄今已经卷回27亿美元的票房,成为有史以来票房最高、蓝光销量最高的影片。 |