“有始有终”在英语口语里能怎么说? 蹩脚口语:from the begining to the end 地道口语:see through 【影视实例】
影视来源:《大侦探福尔摩斯》 剧情引导: 福尔摩斯和华生一如往常读报了解社会时事,问起刚被他们俩联手抓获的Blackwood,华生透露了隐退之意,使得福尔摩斯很不自在......
- Oh, her emerald bracelet has disappeared.
- Insurance swindle. Lord Radford likes fast women and slow ponies. Oh. I see you're the attending physician at Blackwood's hanging.
- Yes. It was our last case together and I wanted to see it through to the end.