- There is no way, in this whole wide world I would ever, ever, ever I mean never kiss a frog. Yuck!
- Is that so? Here comes your prince charming, Tia. Come on, kiss.
- No! Stop it!
- Yes, Yes!
- I won't, I won't, I won't!
- I would do it. I would kiss a frog. I would kiss a hundred frogs, if I could marry a prince and be a princess.
- You girls, stop tormentin' that poor little kitty. Poor little thing.
1. whole wide world 到处,所有的东西
2. Yuck 恶心
3. Is that so? 真的是这样么?
4. prince charming 白马王子
5. stop tormentin' 别再折磨
6. Poor little thing.可怜的小东西 |