"In 2012, the Republicans are now talking about the presidential ticket, Dick Cheney and running as vice president Sarah Palin. Talk about your dream ticket. Oh buddy, the comedy recession is over. I mean, come on, talk about your shotgun marriage." --David Letterman
沪江小编:后面还有一段也讲the comedy recession is over,这句话跟喜剧有什么关系呢?看过《老友记》的朋友不知道还记不记得,第一季第二集开头,几个老友坐在一起谈论男人和女人的不同,Chandler说“Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. ”这里大卫说的the comedy recession is over,含义应该是说,暖场的结束了,咱该说点正事了。
shotgun marriage:奉子成婚。字面上理解是有人拿着枪逼你结婚,有了孩子,不得不结婚,这个词组还是挺形象的。
"There was an article in Vanity Fair that says Sarah Palin -- listen to this, this borders on the creepy -- that what she was trying to do … was adopt her daughter Bristol's baby. … Oh yeah, like I'm going to make a joke about this. None of my business. Whatever you want. Live and let live, that's my motto." --David Letterman
"But this article is quite an expose. The article claims that Sarah Palin really couldn't see Russia from her house. The article also says that Sarah Palin was not much of a hunter. And I was thinking, I don't know, she killed John McCain's chances." --David Letterman
"Sarah Palin is making some dough. She's going around the world
speaking. She's got a gig over in China. She's very excited because she
thinks that China is a red state." --David Letterman
"A spokesperson for Sarah Palin says she's about 85% finished with her
book which means that Sarah Palin is finished with her book." --Conan