GLEE legend Jane Lynch shows she can Get Into The Groove like the best of them as she takes off Madonna in an upcoming episode of the hit show.
《欢乐合唱团》中扮演强势女王啦啦队老师Sue Sylvester的Jane Lynch终于证明了自己像剧组其它成员一样能歌善舞,在下一集以麦当娜为主题的剧集中她将由惊人表现!
Dressed up in various outfits from the singer's iconic Nineties Vogue video, the actress - who plays tough nut Sue Sylvester in the show - strikes an uncanny resemblance to the Queen of Pop. She also inserts some personalized touches such as the line: "Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Sue Sylvester, dance on air."
在这段山寨Vogue的MV视频中,剧里的女强人Sue Sylvester不但翻了一身身麦姐当年的时尚行头,竭力效仿这位流行女王,她还篡改了其中的歌词,把角色名儿给加了进去,着实令人捧腹。
The black and white shots show Sue throwing herself into all sorts of Madonna-style moves, as she and the cast recreate the video during the Madge-themed episode.
这段黑白风格的经典MV是为Sue Sylvester这个角色度身定做的,即将在第15集的麦当娜主题特别集中大放异彩。
With her blonde Marilyn Monroe-style curls and sharp suit, the normally uptight cheerleading coach shows a racier side.
顶着一头玛丽莲·梦露式的金发,一身紧身衣,平日里紧巴巴的啦啦队女教头摇身展现出她更鲜活的一面。 |