识骨寻踪第五季第15集 地铁上的尸骨
6万加仑的洪水入侵,造成地铁列车的出轨,从而也使得一具遗骸浮出水面。小甜甜不幸成为出轨列车上的乘客之一,劫后余生心有余悸,这使得他一时冲动做了某个惊人决定(哈?乃不是要求婚啥的吧小朋友……)。而其他人包括他的女友Daisy Wick则都忙于办案。他们调查出死者是一位职业鬼故事作家Martin Aragon,生前陷入了一段要命的三角恋。另一方面,Brennan的又一本书取得了巨大成功,但她却不得不应付一位记者(松田圣子扮演哒~~)的刨根问底。
《识骨寻踪》第五季大结局 不搞幻想来真的
Episode 5.15 The Bones on the Blue Line
Airs: Apr.1, 2009
When a subway train is thrown off the track by 60,000 galloons of flood water, a partially skeletonized body emerges out of the overflow. While Dr. Sweets, a passenger on the derailed train, copes with post traumatic stress, the rest of the team and intern Daisy Wick (guest star Gallo) get to work on identifying the victim as Martin Aragon, a professional ghost writer caught up in a deadly love triangle. Meanwhile, Brennan releases her second book to great success, but has to accommodate a nosy reporter, and Sweets' near-death experience leads him to make a drastic decision.
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