It's the on-screen pairing Bones fans have been waiting for. No, not Booth and Brennan - Emily and Zooey! Bones is talking to Emily Deschanel's movie-star sis, Zooey, about guest-starring this December!
"We've been looking for an opportunity to get the Deschanel girls together," notes exec producer Hart Hanson, "but Zooey's rockin' career kept getting in the way."
Assuming the scheduling can be worked out this time around, Hanson wants the star of this summer's indie smash (500) Days of Summer to play (natch) a relative of Brennan's. "We alluded to [her] having a cousin in Minnesota two seasons ago. I'd very much like to meet her in the Christmas episode."
《识骨寻踪》的粉丝们要激动咯,因为剧组准备上演一档众望所归的配对。啥?不是暧昧的Booth和 Brennan啦,而是女主角Emily和她妹妹Zooey的姐妹档。《识骨寻踪》计划邀请女主演Emily Deschanel的妹妹在大银幕上颇为活跃的Zooey Deschanel——在12月10日圣诞特辑中客串出演。
制作人Hart Hanson表示:“我们一直在找机会能把Deschanel姐妹俩凑一块儿,可是Zooey演艺事业如日中天,档期是在排不过来。”
Zooey最近的一部影片是夏季档清新的独立电影《和莎莫的500天》;她们的父亲摄影师Caleb Deschanel也曾执导过《识骨寻踪》第二季第20集。
深陷她的蓝色明眸《夏日500天》超现实爱情 |