扮演罗伯特·内珀觉得第四季有不少曲折离奇的剧情发展,当然拍得很累。温特沃斯.米勒则表示,能有机会回到早先的剧情中,将一些未解的谜团解决掉。 纪念越狱?越狱前三季MP4视频版! http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XOTY4NTE4MDQ=/v.swf 越狱第四季原创英语口语学习笔记VIP版(附同步字幕+音频)
The actors and producers discuss closing out the series and having advance notice that Season 4 would be the last.
Matt Olmstead says, “This is a real wrap up for Prison Break. One that we knew at the beginning of the season. Every scene and every episode have been in service of the big wrap up.”
Robert Knepper felt that Season 4 had so many twists and turns, and ultimately was more exhausting! Wentworth Miller thought it was great how they went back to the previous seasons to tie up some loose ends as well.