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Entertainment: The Apprentice 娱乐:学徒









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发表于 2016-8-5 22:46:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Would you want to work for Sir Alan Sugar?
        Entertainment: The Apprentice 娱乐:学徒

        One of Britain’s most popular reality TV programmes has returned to our screens for a fifth series. The Apprentice sees 16 ambitious individuals competing for a job with electronics tycoon Sir Alan Sugar.
        With endless talk of credit-crunches, redundancies and cut-backs, it may come as no surprise that thousands of plucky hopefuls applied for the show. The chosen 16 will compete in a series of business tasks and do their best to escape elimination. Not one of them wants to hear the fateful words: you’re fired.
        It should also be noted that this year’s budding apprentices are not going to be allowed to forget the grim economic climate quite so easily. At the launch of this year’s TV show, Sir Alan announced that some episodes have been "specifically made towards recognition of what difficult times we are in".
        The tasks will as usual be gruelling tests of business acumen, team-working and leadership skill. They will also make for some hilarious viewing. British viewers will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the crazy decisions of the wannabe apprentices.
        But perhaps the most entertaining feature of the show will be watching the hopefuls squirm and squabble in the boardroom. It is here they will have to explain just why they have failed each task so badly.
        What drives people to take part in the show is difficult to say. Some are clearly motivated by the promise of a six-figure salary and some claim they want the experience of working with a successful businessman such as Sir Alan. One thing is for sure, the contestants will all gain some level of celebrity. The show is a regular ratings winner.
        To date, there has been one big winner and that is the show’s creator, Mark Burnett. Originating in the US, The Apprentice’s winning format has been copied all over the world and with the hype surrounding this latest series, it looks as though the show will have success for many years to come.
        GLOSSARY 词汇表 (收听发音, 请移到小喇叭上)
        reality TV 电视真人秀
        electronics tycoon 电子届大亨
        elimination 淘汰
        budding 萌发中的
        business acumen 商业头脑
        hilarious 有趣的
        wannabe 想成为…人
        squabble 争论
        motivated 有积极性的,受鼓舞的
        ratings 评定等级
        ambitious 有抱负的
        plucky 勇敢的
        fateful 决定性的,宿命的
        gruelling 使人精疲力尽的
        grim 严峻的,不景气的
        disbelief 不相信
        squirm 难为情,羞愧
        boardroom 会议室
        six-figure salary 十万英镑以上的年薪
        hype 大肆宣传,炒作

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