E!Online的Kristin证实《越狱》大结局中,将有另一场“越狱”上演:“我得到消息说最后会有另一场越狱,至于谁是这次大逃亡的帮手,你知道后一定会觉得很意外——是T-Bag!顺带一说格雷琴也蹲在班房里哦。”这一点在早些时候透露的《越狱》第四季第24集剧本大纲中就有暗示,T-Bag因为“协助越狱”而被关入隔离牢房。 人生无常:《越狱》第四季回顾之六大感叹
Kristin at E!Online confirms that there is definitely going to be another prison break. "Sources tell me there’s another prison break, and you’ll be surprised at who helps the big escape…T-Bag! Did I mention that Gretchen is also in the slammer? "It was slightly insinuated in the casting sides during the Phone C.O. scene when they throw T-Bag into solitary because he “aided and abetted an escape, Mr. Bagwell.”
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