执行制作人Zack Estrin对于《越狱》第四季接下去的剧情这样描述:“《越狱》秋季档大结局中,我们又重新整合了剧情,几乎每一季的中间档都是这么做的。全新的地点——全新的人物组合——全新的行程安排。最要紧的是,有一个关乎迈克林肯过去、至关重要的人物震撼登场。春季回归时局势已定——接下去的本季最后8集中,他们将面临更大的挑战。”
Executive producer Zack Estrin spills about episodes: "In the fall finale we kind of reset the series again, something that we've done at the midpoint of most of our seasons. New location—new alliances—new agendas. And most important, a new character from Michael and Lincoln's past that will kind of rock their already crazy world. It sets the table for our return in the spring—and gives a little taste of the challenges they'll face in the final eight episodes of the season."
In Episode 4.17 Michael and Sara are on the run, while Lincoln connects the woman he believes to be his mother…
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