越狱第四季第16集学习笔记新鲜出炉!边看越狱边学英语!! http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjEzMzU1MDA=/v.swf 越狱第四季第16集中英文字幕下载>> 台词片段: Padman: Sara. You're looking rested. How was the hotel. Sara: I would like to offer my professional assistance in Michael’s rehabilitation. Padman: Kind. But he's receiving excellent care, there's nothing for you to worry about. Sara: Whatever is you planned for him, I would simply let to help maintaining his health. Padman: And that's appreciated. But it's impossible. Believe me, you serve Michael best from a distance right now. Trust me. 更多越狱相关消息,点此进入边看剧集边学英语!