越狱第四季第11集完整版预告点此收看>> 更多越狱相关资讯>>
Michael, Mahone, Sucre, and Lincoln are standing outside the wall to Scylla. Michael tells them that they need to be absolutely quiet. Michael and Lincoln hug. Sucre works to build a bridge of sorts in the Scylla room while Michael watches on a computer. He then falls and almost drops a container on the floor. 越狱第四季第10集笔记在线收看字幕下载
迈克、马洪、苏克雷和林肯站在隔离锡拉的墙外。迈克告诉他们必须保持绝对的安静,他和林肯临行动前拥抱了一下。当迈克监视着电脑上的情况时,苏克雷负责在锡拉房间中搭建一座桥,然后他不小心摔倒了,险些将一个容器掉落到地上! http://"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTI3NDk5NjA=/v.swf 更多越狱相关消息,点此进入边看剧集边学英语!