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格雷琴告诉T-Bag没多少时间了,她说他们居高临下占据优势,而且他们还有消音器。Gregory White走了进来想要T-Bag介绍他认识格雷琴。格雷琴说她以前在福罗里达和Cole是同事。怀特一脸疑惑,因为Cole以前应该是在东北地区工作的。T-Bag解释说自己搬动过很多次。怀特借口要开一个电话会议离开。格雷琴察觉他得知了真相,便抽出枪来穿过大厅。她走进怀特的办公室告诫他挂上电话乖乖坐好。
Gretchen tells T-Bag that it shouldn’t be long. She tells him that they’re at the high ground, and besides - they have silencers! Gregory White walks in and asks to be introduced to Gretchen. Gretchen says that she used to work with Cole, in Florida. White looks confused and says that Cole used to work in the Northeast division. He says he’s moved around a bit. White says he needs to go jump on a conference call. “He knows,” Gretchen says. She pulls out her gun and starts walking through the lobby. She enters White’s office and tells him to hang up the phone and to sit.