Regina Spektor - Better877334.jpg
囧言囧语:《老爸老妈浪漫史》How I Met Your Mother第四季第六集片末,Ted终于鼓起勇气面对Stella说出压抑在内心的话语,但当他看见Stella一家子那么亲密、幸福的场景时,就愣住了,Ted开始了第三种选择:“Just let it go”,继续新的生活。怎么说呢?可怜的Ted,你在爱情中还没找到对的人。
这一集就像片尾的歌名《Better》。爱情就在不远处,一切都是有所期待的。歌者Regina Spektor的声音有点小调皮,但很纯粹。如果你看过《纳尼亚2:凯斯宾王子》,不知你还记不记得片尾曲《The Call》点此听歌,同样来自Regina Spektor,明亮的嗓音,独特的演唱风格,绝对是你不能错过的好嗓音。
Artist:Regina Spektor
If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Born like sisters to this world
In a town where blood ties are only blood
If you never say your name out loud to anyone
They can never ever call you by it
If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
You're getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder
And I don't understand, and I don't understand
But if I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all...