内容提要:Fox River发生大规模骚乱,Sara被困在囚区的医务室里,处境十分危险,Michael冒着生命危险,爬过错综复杂的通风管道前去营救......
参与方式:看Prison Break片段,将下面的空格部分补充完整。鼠标移至粗斜体字,会显示相关解释哦~~
Scofield: You ever been to Baja? Mexico?
Tancredi: No.
Scofield: There's a great place down there. 20 bucks a night, hammock on the back deck. Beers are 50 cents. 25 cents at happy hour. You ever been to Thailand? Thailand's great.
Tancredi: Michael,[U] 1 [/U], you're doing a terrible job.
Scofield: But I am trying.
Prisoner: Shh! You hear it?
Tancredi: Why are you here?
Scofield: What do you mean?
Tancredi: Crawling around in the ceiling, risking your life.
Scofield: You needed help, and, uh... I came to find you.
Tancredi: How did you know where to go?
Scofield:[U] 2 [/U], the COs left the station. I saw you on the monitor. One of my first assignments on PI, we were up here, cleaning out toxic mold. It took days. So,[U] 3 [/U].
Tancredi: I hope you wore a mask.
Scofield: Excuse me?
Tancredi: To prevent inhalation. Mold can be really dangerous.
Scofield: Yeah, I wore a mask.
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