We all know that exercise is important – vital, in fact. Yet, one of the most common excuses for not exercising enough is “I can’t find time for exercise.”
And it’s true. It is hard to find time for exercise. Just like it’s hard to find time to meditate, cook healthy meals, and volunteer to make your community a better place.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA) provides the following minimum exercise guidelines for healthy adults (18-65):
Moderate-intensity aerobicphysical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes, five days per week (e.g. a brisk walk) or;
Vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity for 20 minutes, three days per week (e.g. jogging) or;
Some combination of moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity.
NOTE: Exercise can be performed in bouts of at least 10 minutes.
That’s not bad. In fact, it’s pretty achievable. So let’s move on to the challenging (but fun) part: Finding time for exercise.
1. Turn off the TV
This is usually a good place to start. In 2011, the average American watched 34 hours of TV per week. If you do the math, you could still watch 30 hours of TV and get all your exercise in (including a shower afterwards, which is typically appreciated by your colleagues/family members).
And if you’ve already whittledyour TV watching down to just one or two favorite shows per week, consider exercising while you watch.
2. Limit Your Time Online
If we’re not watching TV, we’re surfing the Internet, checking email, updating Facebook, tweeting, or pinning. According to comScore, the average American spent 32 hours per month online in 2011 (sounds low to me!).
That’s over 60 minutes per day, some of which could be devoted to moving your body rather than letting it waste away in front of a screen.
Becoming more efficient with your online dealings is a great way to cut down on the time spent online. It’s not about the technology. It’s about improper use of the technology. You will be amazed by the amount of time you will save if you check your email only once or twice per day.