The best ways to get lucky are to stay positive and visualize success in
your life. If you’d like to know how to be luckier, check out these 10 ways to
get lucky in life.
1. Be Aware of (and Act on) Opportunities
“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have
of it.” – Thomas Jefferson
How much luck do you think you can look forward to if you stay locked up in
your house like a hermit? Probably not much. If you don’t get out there and take
action, you’ll find yourself in a sad pit of doom that is devoid of opportunity.
Wanna be lucky? Life isn’t a charity, so get to work.
2. Visualize Success
“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” – Lucius Annaeus
“幸运就是为机会做准备的过程。”—— 罗马哲学家赛尼加
How well do you think you will perform on a date, job interview, or
sporting event if your thoughts are filled with reasons you will fail? The odds
would not be in your favor. The best athletes see themselves winning a game long
before it starts. The best stage actors imagine an audience exploding with
laughter and applause before they set foot on stage. If you’re going to a job
interview, imagine how thoughtful your responses will be during your drive. If
you’re preparing for a date, imagine how classy/handsome/sexy/funny the other
person will find you while you get dressed. You must first see success happen
before you can make it happen.
3. Focus on the Positive
“The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself.” – Douglas
An unfortunate thing that happened to me: Last week, my car engine died on
the road going into my apartment complex. My vehicle didn’t come to a slow stop,
but rather a dead halt. Let’s just say the bill from the mechanic wasn’t pretty,
so I wasn’t very happy about this. But then it hit me: I was so lucky! My drive
home that night included a 30-minute voyage on a crowded interstate. Now imagine
how much worse my situation would have been if my car suddenly quit with a
vehicle traveling 70 M.P.H. right behind me. I’m happy that I was lucky enough
for my car to quit in the safety of my own parking lot, because had it gone out
on the interstate, it’s very possible I wouldn’t be here to type this. Look for
the good in all things.
4. Listen to Your Gut
“Humor has bailed me out of more tight situations than I can think of. If
you go with your instincts and keep your humor, creativity follows. With luck,
success comes, too.” – Jimmy Buffett
Look, we all make the occasional bad decision, so it’s in your best
interest to be decisive. Trust your gut instinct and allow your intuition to
guide you. Of course, you couldagonize over every single decision in your life,
but there is no guarantee that all that extra deliberation will lead to an
increased likelihood of success (odds are it’ll just result in wasted time and
5. Brush Your Shoulders Off
“Most of us regard good luck as our right, and bad luck as a betrayal of
that right.” – William Feather
No, you can’t have it all. Yes, you will fail sometimes. No, life isn’t
fair. Yes, you have to deal with it.