Indianapolis tops list of sexually satisfied cities
Forget New York, Los Angeles, or even Miami, Indianapolis is the most
sexually satisfied city in the United States, according to a new report.
The Indiana city is followed by Columbus, Ohio, Fort Wayne, Indiana,
Cincinnati, Ohio, and Salt Lake City, Utah, in the report by Men's Health
Magazine that ranked the sexual satisfaction of people in 100 cities.
"Maybe they should take the stretch of I-74 that's linking Indianapolis to
fourth-place Cincinnati and hereafter call it 'America's Sex Drive'," said David
Zinczenko, the editor of the magazine, referring to the motorway linking the
Researchers analyzed data on condom sales, birth rates from the U.S. Census
Bureau and sales figures from two top sex-toy retailers to compile the
"It's a statistical snapshot of sexual satisfaction across the United
States," Zinczenko said. "What we were doing was looking at three telling
bedroom barometers."
Other cities in the top 10 included San Antonio, Texas, at No. 5, followed
by Denver in Colorado, Austin, Texas, Boise in Idaho and Chicago.
Lexington, Kentucky, came in last in the survey, while Montgomery and
Birmingham in Alabama, Yonkers, New York, and Manchester, New Hampshire, rounded
out the bottom five cities.
"Researchers have found having sex twice a week can help bolster a person's
immune system, burn excess blubber, and ease anxiety," Zinczenko said.
兹因兹恩科说:“研究人员发现,每周两次性生活有助于增强人体免疫力、消耗多余脂肪,还能缓解焦虑。” |