嘉宾的话①"Amah ko set. Kuchinwallit. Mecha wee hah ket kay. Help me out, Robert."
嘉宾的话②"Where we're at now is where I was raised. We'd go down to the water, we'd eat the tules."
Clear Lake
Loretta Kelsey
Mount Konocti
RobertAt the shoreline of the Pomo reservation on Clear Lake, Loretta Kelsey parts some tule reeds, looks over the blue-green waters to where Mount Konocti reaches for the clouds, then turns toward Robert. It's not a struggle for her to bring back memories of the lake of her childhood; it is a struggle to tell Robert about it, in Pomo.
She was saying something about eating tules.
Robert and Loretta have spent the last five years recovering the language. Now they teach it to others in their tribe. But it's been an agonizing process. Pomo was never written down, no dictionaries, no materials to teach the language. Robert and Loretta are inventing those as they go. |