【节目介绍】:大家只要听写出音频中的例句就可以了,本期一共四段例句。听写不需要打引号,句子间也不用编序号。音频中听到的所有习语,提交后都均可在译文部分找到。I thought I had lost out because I didn't hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.
Look, it's the eleventh hour for getting this contract signed. If we don't deliver it to the customer by 10 am tomorrow, we lose the whole deal, so we'll work all night if we have to.
All the waiting is over, it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
The result is expected to be very close so both sides are working hard to get every last vote before the zero hour at ten o'clock tomorrow morning when the final voting will start.今天我们要讲两个由hour这个词发展而来的习惯用语。大家一定知道hour就是钟点小时。究竟是谁把一天的时间划分成二十四小时的呢?由于这实在是发生在太遥远的过去的事请,所以已经无从查考。但是无论如何这种划定时间的方法确实是人类一大聪明创举。我们先要学的习惯用语是: the eleventh hour。 The eleventh hour意思当然是十一点。这里是指夜里十一点。换句话说是一昼夜的最后一小时。那么习惯用语the eleventh hour含义是什么呢?
我们听个例子来琢磨。说话的人在申请一份工作之后感到似乎希望渺茫。我们听听他怎么说。注意他话里用到的the eleventh hour。
例句-1:I thought I had lost out because I didn't hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.
他们起先一直没给他消息,直到他等待得失去信心,已经在打点行李马上要启程时才打电话来,可见这里的the eleventh hour意思是最后时刻。
例句-2:Look, it's the eleventh hour for getting this contract signed. If we don't deliver it to the customer by ten am tomorrow, we lose the whole deal, so we'll work all night if we have to.
这里的the eleventh hour也解释最后时刻。
我们再学个由hour组成的习惯用语: zero hour。 Zero是零,可见zero hour是零点。这个习惯用语起始于1917年一次大战期间。它被用来说发动某一军事行动的时刻。在这关键性时刻迫近时,战壕里的军官便看着手表上的分针秒针倒数计时直到预定时刻,也就是零点,就立即对部下发出信号,命令大家跃出战壕扑向德国人的阵地。
如今军队里还用zero hour来指发动军事行动的时刻,但是这个说法现在也被用在日常生活中和军事不相干的各种场合,包括运动项目或者国会内决定性的表决等等,zero hour用在日常生活中又是什么意思呢?我们听个例子来琢磨。它说的是大学篮球赛季即将告终时争夺全国冠亚军的那场球赛。
例句-3:All the waiting is over, it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
赛季末决定冠亚军的那场比赛当然最最紧要,而说话时正是拉开战幕的那一刻,所以这里的zero hour意思是关键性或者决定性时刻。
例句-4:The result is expected to be very close so both sides are working hard to get every last vote before the zero hour at ten o'clock tomorrow morning when the final voting will start.
这里的zero hour意思也是决定性或者关键性的时刻。 |