Stanford University
David Filo
Jerry Yang
Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web
Yahoo, one of the net's most iconic companies, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this week.
The web portal has undergone remarkable changes since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer.
The students wanted a way of keeping track of their web-based interests.
The categories lists they devised soon became popular to hundreds of people and the two saw business potential in their idea.
Originally dubbed Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web, the firm adopted the moniker Yahoo because the founders liked the dictionary definition of a yahoo as a rude, unsophisticated, uncouth person.作为最具特色的互联网企业之一, 雅虎本周迎来了它的10周岁生日。
最初被称为杰瑞指南万维网,该公司采用了雅虎这个名字因为创始人喜欢字典里对雅虎作为一个粗鲁的,质朴无华的,笨拙的人的定义。 |