Henry was oblivious to their son's arrival, but Margaret had good reason to be jubilant. With the heir to the throne in her arms, she discovered, just like Isabella before her, that she had a direct stake in the power play that surrounded her. The question now was how far she would go in using it.
The answer wasn't slow in coming. Just three months after her son's birth, a well-informed observer in London reported that the Queen, desires to have the whole rule
of this land as well as the right to appoint all other officers that the King should make.
Margaret was proposing that she should act as Regent for her helpless husband. This dramatic piece of self-assertion was the first step on a road that would eventually lead to Shakespeare's lacerating portrait of Margaret as the "She-wolf of France". But, if we look behind the caricature, there was much more to Margaret's position than unthinking aggression.对儿子到来,亨利毫无知觉,但玛格丽特有足够的理由感到欢欣雀跃。她的怀里抱着的是王位继承人。她发现,跟她之前的伊莎贝拉一样,已经深陷周围权力争端的漩涡之中了。现在的问题是她能利用这个优势走多远,答案很快就会揭晓了。在她儿子出生三个月后,伦敦一位消息灵通的观察员声称王后想要统治这片土地,希望自己能像国王一样任命委派官员。玛格丽特提出,由于她丈夫的无能,她当扮演一个摄政王的角色,这一出我行我素的戏码,是逐步走向并最终导致莎士比亚对玛格丽特破坏性描写“法兰西母狼”。但如果撇开这里头的讽刺意味不讲,这更像是对玛格丽特所表现出来的姿态的描写。而不是她不假思索的进攻方式。 |