Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material. Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. Yet, dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive. In this sense, the ability to forget can be interpreted to have survived through a process of natural selection in animals. Indeed, when one's memory of an emotionally painful experience leads to serious anxiety, forgetting may produce relief. Nevertheless, an evolutionary interpretation might make it difficult to understand how the commonly gradual process of forgetting survived natural selection.练习(或者复习)有助于建立和保持对一项任务或任何学习过的材料的记忆。如果一段时间不练习,已学习到的知识往往会被遗忘;其适应性结果可能表现得不明显。但是戏剧性的突然遗忘的例子可以被看作为极具适应性。从这点看,遗忘的能力可以被理解为动物通过自然选择进程赢得了生存。的确,当一个人对一件情感上很痛苦的经历的记忆导致了严重的焦虑时,遗忘可以带来脱。然而,进化论的解释可能会使人很难理解一般地渐进遗忘过程是如何经自然选择生下来的。 |