Banning Cocq
Quick action was called for because otherwise the canvas might have begun to sag. First of all the triangle that had been cut out of Banning Cocq's breeches was replaced after which the parts of the canvas that were hanging loose were secured.
The whole delicate process of restoration was recorded on film by the Rijksmuseum, so the Dutch people could actually see the care that was being taken with their national treasure.
The painting was taken out of its frame and laid on a specially made work surface on the floor.
We had to take the painting down. We had to lay it flat, and surface down, and then the re-lining canvas was taken off, was pulled away and then we had the cuts at the back, and they were all stitched with very, very little thin threads and adhesive of epoxy resin and as soon as they were hard we thinned them so you wouldn't get a deformation at the front side.画作被割得面目全非,馆方火速展开补救措施,不然画布会开始脱垂。当务之急是修补班宁柯克被割掉的部位,再来是固定被割破的画布。国立博物馆用影片记录了整个修复过程,让荷兰人民亲眼目睹他们如何细心修复国宝。画作被从画框取下置于地板上的特制工作平面。我们必须把画作取下,面朝下地摆平,取下当做衬底的画布。然后用很细的线及树脂从背面修补刀痕,树脂樱花后马上加以稀释,所以正面不会变形。 |