富兰克林· 德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)美国31位、第32任总统,美国历史上唯一蝉联四届的总统。
White House
Pearl Harbor
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin
FDR was re-elected in 1940. He was the only president to win a third term in the White House. On December 7th, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The United States was forced to enter the war. President Roosevelt cooperated closely with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in the war effort. He discussed war efforts with Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin.
FDR was re-elected president for the fourth time in 1944. Most Americans believed the country should not change its leader in the middle of a war. When he was sworn in, President Roosevelt's speech lasted only six minutes. He declared that America had learned "that we cannot live alone at peace, that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of nations far away."1940年FDR再次竞选。他是白宫里唯一一个获得三次连任的总统。在1941年12月7日,日本计划攻击美国在夏威夷的珍珠港海军基地。美国被迫参战。Roosevelt总统与英国首相Winston Churchill在战争中积极配合。与苏联总理Joseph Stalin讨论着战争成果。FDR于1944年进行第四次竞选。多数美国人认为国家在战争期间不应该改变其领导。当FDR宣誓就职的时候,他的演讲只说了6分钟。他声明美国学到了“我们不能独自活得和平安逸,我们自身的福祉是寄托在国家长久的安康和谐上的。”
by cxiaoh
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