Sandgate, England
the soon-to-be-opened English Channel Tunnel
51st state of the U. S. A
In a hotel lobby in Sandgate, England, not two miles from the soon-to-be-opened English Channel Tunnel, stiff upper lips trembled. For the first time since the last ice age, England was about to be linked to France.
“ I'd rather England become the 51st state of the U. S. A. than get tied up to there," said a retired civil servant with a complexion the color of ruby port. He nodded toward the steel gray Channel out the window, his pale blue eyes filled with foreboding.英国Sandgate,在距离即将开通的英吉利海峡隧道不到两英里的一家旅馆的大厅里,一向深沉内敛的英国人再也无法冷静了。 自第四纪冰川期以来,英国第一次要同法国连接起来了。
“我宁愿英国成为美国的第五十一个州,也不愿意和法国连接起来,”一位退休的英国公务员这样说,他的脸色像深色的波尔多葡萄酒一样。 他朝窗外蓝灰色的英吉利海峡望去,若有所思地点头,浅蓝色的眼睛里充满了不详的预感。 |