Andrew Benton
Do you know who he is? What he's done? I know all about Andrew Benton. I know all about you, Megan. I know you're a damn good doctor. I know that you've spent years of your life healing people. And I know if you do this, if you murder this man in cold blood, it will kill you. You told me that you lost someone. Was that true? How can you sit there and tell me not to do something? You know in your heart you would do, too. Because unlike you, I know what happens when you take a life. You lose a part of yourself, not everything...你知道他是什么人,他都做了什么吗?我知道所有安德鲁·本顿的事。还有你,梅根。我知道你是个很棒的医生。我知道你的一生都在治病救人。我也知道如果你这么做了,如果你冷血地杀死了那个男人,你就会被吞噬。你说你失去了重要的人,这是真的吗?那你怎么能就这么让我袖手旁观。你也知道你内心告诉你该怎么做吧。因为我和你不同。我知道当你夺走别人的生命时你自己生命的一部分也失去了,不是所有的部分。 |