24s处 "--"
Can you hear me? I'm telling you, this has been the craziest week. Drinks are on me. He's being released. Why? Look at the guy. He's got four lawyers. Each of them got a suit on that costs more than I make in six months -- the kind of lawyers that know every loophole a piece of garbage like Benton can crawl through. What about the Toreros? They're gonna come looking for me and their coke. Well, we better make sure they don't find you, Lionel. You know what kind of hole you got me into? What's stopping me right now from making some noise, getting you arrested? I don't know. What's stopping you?先生,你能听到吗?我和你说这一周真是太劲爆了。我请你们喝酒。他被放了。为什么?看那家伙,他有四个律师,每个人身上的西装比我半年的工资还贵。这种律师对法律的每个漏洞都一清二楚。可以让像本顿这种败类逃脱制裁。斗牛帮怎么办?现在他们不仅要找我,还要找他们的货。那最好别让他们找到你,莱奈尔。你知道你给我惹了什么麻烦吗?我到底是在犹豫什么啊?干嘛不直接?把你供出去得了。不知道哎。你在犹豫什么咧? |