Bob Dylan
Rubin Carter
Hollis Brown
National Portrait Gallery
Kate Mossman
New Statesman
Ronnie Wood
Bruton Street
Now three portraits by Bob Dylan.
Bob Dylan singing about Rubin Carter the heavyweight boxer who was wrongly convicted of murder, before that we heard Sara, one of several musical portraits he made of his wife, and we start with Hollis Brown, a work of fiction, about a desperate farmer who kills his wife and kids. Those are just three of the hundreds of Dylan songs populated by a cast of real and imagined people. Often we know where they live and what they do, but what do they look like? Or maybe some of the faces are among the 12 pastel portraits by Bob Dylan which are about to go on show at the National Portrait Gallery in London. With me is Kate Mossman, arts editor of the New Statesman. Kate, we know how good a musical portraitist Dylan is, what about his pastel drawings?
Well, it's a funny one. This 'cause the first time that they've had a fictitious, group of portraits in the National Portrait Gallery. This is the first, that's usually supposed to be subjects from British life, past or present. And so they made an exception for Dylan, which is interesting because, you know, there are galleries that rock star paintings going like the house in gallery Ronnie Wood's goal or in Bruton Street. I mean, It's a really strange little exhibition and it's quite powerful because the pictures just don't reproduce as well on the Internet or in books, as they do in real life. You walk into this, this little room and you've got 12 very uniform portraits ranged around, staring at you. And it's kind of a rogues gallery of his imagination.下面是鲍勃·迪伦的三幅肖像画。
这很有意思,因为这是国家肖像美术馆首次展示虚拟人物的肖像,它一般会展出现在或过去的英国生活物品。所以说,对美术馆而言,迪伦是个例外。这很有趣,因为供摇滚歌手开画展的美术馆有很多,比如罗尼·伍德在布鲁顿街上办画展的那一家。迪伦的这场小型展览确实很奇特,而且很有影响力,因为这些画在网上或书中的效果没有实际的好。你走进这间小房间,12幅大小相同的肖像环绕着,凝视着你,有点像他想像出的前科犯相片陈列室。 |