through= thr. perceptions= percep. objective= obj.
arrangement= arran. sentences= sens. paragraphs= paras.
PS 注意语气,问句要问号嗒~~ 以及在解释说明的情况下需要使用破折号 (如:①first person - ②central intelligence – ③the objective – )~~
Secondly, we shall come to find out a way to appreciate the art of the short story. The art of the short story employs the techniques of point of view, style, plot and structure, and a wide range of devices that stimulate emotional, imaginative, and intellectual responses in the reader. The writer's choice and control of these techniques determines the reader's overall experience. Let's analyze these techniques one by one. What's point of view? The three basic point of view techniques are omniscient, or the author's point of view, first person - the author let one of his characters narrate, and central intelligence – the author filters the narrative through the perceptions of a single character. A seldom used point of view technique is the objective – the author poses a purely objective observer, never giving the reader access to a character's thought. Then, what does style mean? Style is the author's careful choice of words and arrangement of words, sentences, and paragraphs to produce a specific effect on the reader. An author's style evolves out of the chosen point of view technique.其次,我们应该找出一种欣赏短篇小说的艺术的方法。短篇小说的艺术采用了视角、风格、情节、结构的技巧和刺激读者产生情感、想象力和知识共鸣的全面体验的各种写作手法。让我们来一一分析一下这些技巧。首先,什么是视角?三个基本视角技巧包括无所不知的,作者的观点,和第一人称视角——作者让他故事中的一个人物叙述,和中央情报局——作者通过其独一无二的人物的视角渗入叙事。一个很少使用的视角技巧是客观性,作者虚构了一个纯粹客观的观察者,使得读者完全不了解角色的想法。那么,风格意味着什么呢?风格是作者精心遣词造句、安排段落以对读者产生特定的影响。一个作家的风格是由选择视觉技巧演变而来的。
翻译by sugarle |